Monday, June 15, 2009

Back on Track

Well this journey so far has been bittersweet. Many ups and downs but all learning lessons. I had a couple of set backs in regards to what I was eating and where it was taking me. Trust me when I say, KFC, don't do it in the same weekend as pizza and chinese food and etc..... These things led me to a 4.4 lb weight gain in one week. Oh man, I was heavier than when I started. What a blow to my ego. I cried the whole day. Then I sucked it up and had a good look at myself and thought, what the hell am I doing?? I want to live, this is why I started this journey. The next week I kept journaling what I was eating and really maintaining my perspective. Last Tuesday, I had lost 8.8 lbs in one week. I couldn't believe my eyes. Simply paying attention to what went into my mouth and making good choices made such a difference.

My friends are my angels. Those of you who walk with me, exercise with me and attend meetings with me are helping me take charge of my life and LIVE!!!! I hope you all know who you are and your importance, together we will conquer this battle. I have a few new friends on the trail.

I started this journey alone many months ago and was not going far. The energy built momentum, next we were 3, now I am up to 5 in 2 separate groups. This is growing and we are all in it together. Thanx all. Tomorrow there is another weigh in and I will not stick my head in the sand, rather I will return here and let you all know where I stand and how I am doing.


Jen said...

Good for you!! You are my inspiration! I myself have gotten off-track and back on my way to being the me I want to!! I love you!!!

Kerri said...

((((Marieta))) I am proud of you for taking charge! You CAN and will succeed!

Marieta said...

Thanx guys, I rely on my angels for support, inspiration and motivation. They seem to be everywhere if we only just look!